Nice! Is there any interpretation of the POLLSCORE rating?

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This seems like progress, but I think you're still missing the forest for the trees.  These are not "pollster" ratings but "polling firm" ratings.  Some very skilled pollsters and some extremely incompetent pollsters work at the same firm. (And by incompetent, I mean that they probably have trouble with basic math.)   The only prerequisite for being a political pollster is the ability to land clients.

As the political industry has consolidated, and these firms grow in size, the polls are increasingly the output of a single pollster and not a unified work product.  You'll see pollsters at the same firm try to poach clients from each other.

If you can leverage the transparency score to reveal who actually conducted the poll, and rate the individual(s) behind the poll, this would probably greatly improve both the model accuracy and the polling industry as a whole.

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Outstanding and many thanks.

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