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Hi Elliott,

I've been trying to think more clearly after last week. Lawmakers are not interested in upholding the Constitution and democratic norms. A lot of Republicans are shrugging and are basically saying "Biden will be President in 9 days, why should we do anything to Trump?" or outrageously claiming that impeachment would further divide the country. Kevin McCarthy supported challenging Electoral College count, after the attack on the Capital, Kevin McCarthy said: "we must work together to lower the temperature & unite the country to solve America’s challenges." This is insane. I can't imagine that there will be any chance of unity or bipartisanship going forward.

The Trump era proved that Congress doesn’t matter and the President won’t be held accountable in any circumstance. A future President will ignore Congress and the courts and claim vast executive power. I feel like this is the "endgame" of American democracy given polarization, Electoral College and the current election system.

This is quite frightening as well: what kind of a democracy needs 15,000 National Guard members to have a "peaceful" transition of power?



We need a new President. 9 days is too long.


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