Elliott, I think the Gallup poll dehazes the underlying national soul-searching - Who Are We? And the answer is we are re-evaluating who we are, based on recent and current events.
I didn't hear about Kentucky. That is good! I just don't know how deep the Biden mentality of healing and unity has really penetrated into the country. More of a question about uncertainty than an argument against the idea!
I wonder it there might not be some kind of reverse Hawthorn effect here: those who know they are being sampled are less likely to record positive responses.
Possibly Republicans who activated in 2016 only because of Trump are reverting to baseline political apathy now that he's off the stage. This is only a sampling error if the apathy lifts in time for the next election.
Elliott, I think the Gallup poll dehazes the underlying national soul-searching - Who Are We? And the answer is we are re-evaluating who we are, based on recent and current events.
I’m not so sure. Are “we?” Or are the people who watch the next and think about politics most of the time?
https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/07/politics/capitol-riot-flip-proud-boys/index.html. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/07/us/politics/kentucky-voting-law.html.
I didn't hear about Kentucky. That is good! I just don't know how deep the Biden mentality of healing and unity has really penetrated into the country. More of a question about uncertainty than an argument against the idea!
I wonder it there might not be some kind of reverse Hawthorn effect here: those who know they are being sampled are less likely to record positive responses.
Possibly Republicans who activated in 2016 only because of Trump are reverting to baseline political apathy now that he's off the stage. This is only a sampling error if the apathy lifts in time for the next election.
Scott, It seems possible to both be a Republican and apathetic at the some time, right?