Very sad. This is going to sound partisan and I suppose it is. But I see this more as one party standing on the dock, perhaps slowly backing toward shore, while the other party is on a fast boat out to sea.

WaPo ran this yesterday...https://wapo.st/2WWCTy0

It is super hard to not judge "others" (and express that judgment) when they are so far out to sea that they are literally working overtime to endanger themselves and their families.

Where is "middle ground" here? We may all agree on basics like health for children or whatever when we talk details, but as soon as you talk policy to achieve it, one party flips out.

I honestly think we understand enough about this already for Congress to take concrete actions based on the Facebook hearings this week. I'm of the opinion that, like a virus, it comes down to transmission from one person to another of the worst infectious agents. Facebook itself, per the testimony, knows how to at least slow it down.

As for Fox...not sure...

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You raise important points. In an environment with normal politics, hating your neighbor is probably a bad thing. But when we move into the extremes it gets harder to chastise people for that. More importantly, it's really important to call our *parties*, by which I mean party leaders, when they are doing things that are normatively dangerous!

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