I’m always a fan of the code that goes into plots, when available!

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I am interested in your setting the agenda for a few issues rather than responding to the many issues of the day. For instance, the 15% threshold rule in the 2020 presidential nominating process nearly killed the Democrats chances; what can opinion studies of voter preference fluidity tell us about an appropriate threshold to exclude nuisance candidates, given a push for increasing numbers of candidates?

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Elliott, I'm curious about your thoughts on multi mode poll sampling. I often am working with pollsters and poll data and am trying to shift clients away from the mentality of "live caller surveys are the gold standard". Is there a benefit to having a sample that is sourced via 25% online, 25% live call, 25% IVR, 25% Text messages? Are there diminishing returns to using more modes?

I'm sure you've covered it before, so if there are links that would be useful I would appreciate that.

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Great question Landon. I'll schedule a post

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Awesome, thank you. I know you’ve thought about these problems quite a bit more than me as you’ve built pollster weights for your models.

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Hi Elliott,

Since I started reading the free weekly newsletter and later subscribed to the blog, I gained a broader perspective on opinion polling. Using polling to help set the agenda and form policy is good democracy and not always for political expediency.

I always enjoy content on the health of democracy and democratic reform in the U.S.


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Excellent feedback!

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How divided are we? President Joe said it's 25% of us against the rest of us. That's a lot of noise in the system from 25%, eh? What are the probabilities of the minority, assuming it is one, ruling the nation by voter suppression, gerrymandering, filibuster, Fox, violence, assault weapons, evil and stubborn courts and school textbook judges, defunding of public education, Covid-19? If what we need is national unity and purpose, what does it take to get a war on global warming?

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OK — Not an impossible batch of questions to answer, but....

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One bite at a time...

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