People are saying some nice things about STRENGTH IN NUMBERS
We even have graph(ic)s to prove it
Please excuse this departure from the blog’s regular mid-week subscriber content for some exciting news.
The folks at WW Norton have put together a set of very slick graphics to advertise the blurbs and positive reviews for Strength in Numbers, the launch date for which (July 12) is quickly approaching. It seems like just yesterday I was writing the proposal for the thing!
Here are some of the nice things people are saying about Strength before the launch:
And there are even more nice quotes listed on the WW Norton website, including from actual book-reviewers — such as:
Of course, despite Larry Sabato’s blurb, the book is not just about how polls work. It is also about how they benefit the people in a democracy. Sadly even that is becoming more controversially these days. What the people want, and whether that ought to be relevant to the process of governing, is becoming increasingly relevant to our national struggle for equal representation. People who are interested in representative government will probably find a lot to like in the book, too.
. . .
If you trust the statistical theory behind polling, you naturally have to trust the wisdom of the crowds as well. So if, for some reason, you haven’t pre-ordered my book yet, please consider doing so. Pre-orders stack up as launch-day purchases and will help launch the book into the stratosphere when it actually comes out. We think the boom is good and are arranging a lot of press and various appearances around it to try to reframe the discourse about public opinion polling before the November midterms.
You can find out more about SiN (an unfortunate acronym, it turns out) here:
And here is the pre-order link:
Thanks for reading.
Hi Elliott,
I'm really looking forward to Strength in Numbers! There are a lot of well-known people who reviewed your book.
Congrats Elliott ! Thanks for the education! Keep at it- we need you to ask the right questions.